At Diaverum, ESG is woven through our company strategy and operations, ensuring we take a stakeholder-centric approach in the way we do business.

We are therefore integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations 2030 Agenda) into our business development plans, and are signatories of the Ethical Principles in Health Care (EPiHC) – aligning our ESG framework to both.

You can read more about our commitment and progress in our Sustainability Report, downloadable at the bottom of this page.

"Our patient centric approach is the cornerstone of our sustainability work. We truly believe in the clear connection between ethical operating principles and sustainable business models that positively impact geographies where private companies operate, benefitting patients and staff, the communities they serve and the environment in which they live."

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Our ESG priority areas

We prioritize our ESG initiatives through 5 different pillars: Environment, Access to care, Patients, Operating Responsibly, Employees and well-being. For each pillar, we define global ambitions and targets, setting a benchmark for our performance. By measuring our progress and assessing our impact, we ensure accountability and transparency. These efforts enable us to continuously improve our practices and drive positive change.

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Sustainable Development Goals

At Diaverum, we're committed to the SDGs. Through our initiatives, we promote good health (SDG 3), quality education (SDG 4), decent work (SDG 8), and responsible consumption (SDG 12). By aligning our efforts with these SDGs, we aim to create a positive impact and contribute to a sustainable future for all.

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2023 ESG Report

This report showcases our ambitions, provides detailed governance controls information, and presents a well-defined ESG roadmap for 2025. It highlights our strategic initiatives and actions, all aimed at ensuring our stakeholder-centric business approach.

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Diaverum in numbers


Clinics around the world


Globally present in 24 countries across four continents


Staff worldwide (approx.)


Patients (approx.)


Million treatments annually (approx.)

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Care excellence

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