On International Women’s Day, Diaverum is proud to celebrate the women that are integral to the provision of life-enhancing renal care we deliver in 23 countries around the world.

In 2023, we hand over the microphone to female leaders from across our organisation, as well as our CEO, to hear their thoughts on this year’s theme – #embraceequity – and what it means within our organisation and society as a whole.


Maria Chiara Durio - Quote

“Over the years, many steps have been taken to improve women’s conditions in society and in the working environment, nevertheless it is still important to celebrate 8 March.

In order to #embraceequity, in addition to observing this day, the work that needs to be done is year-round, continuous and must be meaningful.

 “I am proud to be a female leader at Diaverum – I have always been empowered by management to do my work and I don’t feel any difference in the company’s approach towards the role that women play in delivering life-enhancing renal care compared to my male colleagues.

 “At Diaverum, we often talk about our True care culture; much of this derives from the women that form the majority of our nurses, and so it’s especially important that the same culture also embraces and empowers them.

 “In Italy, we are taking active steps to create a transparent and supportive atmosphere in which our female colleagues can ask and receive the support they need to be active and engaged contributors to our organisation’s work.”


Sofia Correia de Barros - quote

“International Women’s Day is a valuable reminder, both to celebrate the vital role women play across every aspect of society, but also that there is still much work to be done for them to reach their full potential, in whatever life path they are following. As a mother of three girls, this is my daily reminder and mission!

 “I am proud to be a female leader here at Diaverum, and of the fact that we’re an organisation primarily powered by the strength, dedication and True care provided through women. We have a responsibility to #embraceequity and what the term stands for, ensuring that they are able to thrive in our place of work, and outside of it.”


Sophia Zhang - quote

“8 March is a major event in China, where we take the opportunity to mark the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

 “To mark the occasion, it’s typical for organisations, including Diaverum, to give our employees gifts and handwritten notes – women are also entitled to a half-day holiday in celebration of the day.

 “As an organisation, Diaverum has grown exponentially in China since we launched our operations in the country – this is in no small part due to the competence, passion and inspiration shown by our female staff, who form 78% of our workforce, with the vast majority being in healthcare roles. It’s incredibly important that we take a moment to recognise the role women play in making our organisation’s promise of True care, a reality for our patients – and to aspire to #embraceequity in supporting them to continue doing so.”


Lisa Jordan - quote

“To reach gender equality, we must first #embraceequity - in other words, empower women with the tools and opportunities to operate on a playing level field. This can be achieved in a number of ways. 

“At Diaverum UK, over 78% of our workforce are women – they are, simply put, the backbone of the life-enhancing renal care we provide. This is why we are becoming increasingly involved in identifying ways in which can be a force for equity, including a partnership with GenM to raise awareness and provide education around menopause, a stage in life during which women in the workplace can sometimes encounter challenges.” 


Nataliya Das - quote

"8 March is International Women’s Day, and its call to #embraceequity is an important one.

"Equity has a distinct meaning from equality. Both are targets to aspire to, but while the latter is about creating and offering the same opportunities to all, the former underlines that women need to be supported with their specific needs in mind, for equality to be achieved. And in recent years, particularly during the pandemic, as women made up the majority of people dropping out of the workforce, that chasm has never been more profound.

"Encouraging equitable economies and by extension, work environments, makes sense; it means more productive, more engaged, more efficient teams that help businesses grow.  And that road begins from acknowledging that #embracingequity can be the first step in making this a reality. 


Dimitris - quote

"I feel a great sense of purpose in celebrating the International Women’s Day.

 "Gender equity is not an issue for women to embrace alone. We all have a role to play in that journey simply because, when we achieve gender equity, we collectively benefit from a thriving, fairer and more dynamic society.

 "As a leader of an organisation comprising 73% women and also a father of two daughters, I have a strong personal duty to #embraceequity and everything the statement comes with – to listen, to support and to create an environment where women are empowered to thrive, both in their personal and professional lives.”


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