Diaverum has today released its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report. Alongside information related to the company’s non-financial performance last year, the report shows how Diaverum is tackling the environmental impact of its operations head on, with sustainability and climate change as top priorities moving forward. It also articulates its new environmental strategy to lead Diaverum to Net Zero by 2050, firmly rooted in the understanding that focus on patient care is also good for the planet.

As a leading contributor of carbon emissions, the healthcare sector has an ethical responsibility to be part of the solution to the climate crisis, rather than the cause. Over 13 million people die every year due to climate-related illnesses, with studies indicating that heat will increase Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) incidence, especially among vulnerable populations. Against that backdrop, Diaverum is confident that its patient-centric approach to care will allow it to play a pivotal role in the decarbonisation of the industry, helping safeguard the survival, health and well-being of future generations.

Dimitris Moulavasilis, Diaverum CEO, expanded on this: “There is a growing awareness of the environmental impact of healthcare. If the global healthcare industry were a country, it would be the world’s fifth largest contributor to carbon emissions. When it comes to renal care, dialysis is not only a lifetime burden to patients, but also a significant burden to the environment.”

“With that in mind, we are tackling the environmental impact of our operations head on, articulating a new environmental strategy to lead us to Net Zero by 2050. Our provision of life-enhancing renal care to patients around the world creates a platform from which we can reduce our environmental footprint while improving medical outcomes and the well-being of the people we care for, in a true win-win situation.”

There are four main areas in which this manifests, forming the core of the company’s environmental approach:

  1.  Prevention to delay disease progression, with Diaverum’s effective pre-dialysis care and services that delay disease progression and carbon-intensive dialysis care needs
  2.  Proprietary, integrated and digitalised dialysis care model, improving patient outcomes and quality of life, reducing hospitalisation and associated carbon emissions
  3.  Green dialysis technologies, which the company is installing in its operations to reduce environmental impact through technological innovation
  4. Promoting transplantation, with Diaverum’s Transplantation Ambassador and educational programmes, to ensure our eligible patients can benefit from this type of treatment, to improve their quality of life and reduce dialysis burden to healthcare systems and the environment

Diaverum’s 2023 non-financial highlights

At Diaverum, ESG is woven through its company strategy and operations, ensuring the company takes a stakeholder-focused approach in the way it does business. To deliver on that, Diaverum has developed its own ESG framework, structured around five strategic pillars that reflect its commitment to continuously improving the company’s nonfinancial performance:

  • the environment;
  • patients;
  •  access to care;
  •  employees & well-being; and
  • operating responsibly

Stephanie de Sury, Global ESG Manager, commented: “We truly believe that private companies’ ethical operating principles and sustainable business models can create shared value that benefit society, while safeguarding the environment in which we live.”

“Reflecting on Diaverum’s ESG journey to date, I am inspired by both the progress made and the challenges ahead. With dedication to our patients, employees, partners and the wider society in which we operate as our constant, I am confident that Diaverum is poised to drive positive change, shaping a more sustainable future for the healthcare industry and beyond. All of this is shared in detail in our 2023 ESG Report, which I invite you to read.”

Diaverum’s 2023 non-financial highlights include:

  • Commitment to achieve Net Zero by 2050, with the articulation of a new environmental strategy
  • An unbroken, strong track record of improving key medical outcomes for patients, including a remarkable 27% improvement in the company’s Clinical Performance Measurement since 2003, and 11.7% reduction in hospitalisation days per patient per year since 2011
  • The company’s Patient Net Promoter Score (NPS) was up 2.2% from 2022. Regarding its Employee NPS, it reached 79% in 2023, which means that means that about 8 out of 10 of us would recommend Diaverum as a good place to work
  • Continual progress in the onboarding all operating countries within Diaverum’s Patient Experience Framework, as well as promoting patient mobility with its d.HOLIDAY programme and access to transplantation with its Transplantation Ambassador
  • Empowering our patients to take control of their health journey through the use of digital tools, with almost 60% of patients with smartphone access using our d.CARE patient app; at the same time empowering clinical staff with our Treatment Guidance System (TGS) now in use in 360 clinics across 19 countries – representing over 88% of our eligible clinics
  • 100% completion of our compliance training programme by target employees



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