Diaverum provides life-enhancing renal care to patients with chronic kidney disease around the world. Because everyone deserves a fulfilling life.
Explore Diaverum

Diaverum in numbers


Clinics around the world


Globally present in 24 countries across four continents


Staff worldwide (approx.)


Patients (approx.)


Million treatments annually (approx.)

Recent news

d.HOLIDAY launches in Greece
Care, true care
True care & transplantation
Care, true care
N. Macedonia launches CKD screening project
Healthcare professionals Italy
Diaverum organises Think Tank meeting in Italy
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
World Kidney Day 2024


Find and book your treatment anywhere

Whatever type of holiday you're planning, our clinics are present in hundreds of locations, in 24 countries worldwide.

Visit the d.HOLIDAY to discover more!

Our global presence

At Diaverum, we provide life-enhancing, world-class renal care to patients with chronic kidney disease. We operate 450 clinics across four continents and are currently present in 24 countries.

Find a clinic

Our people

Our focus is our people. Our teams consist of professional and competent people who care and who want to make a difference.

Learn more about our people